The Best Free Encryption Software for 2020 [Complete Guide]

Christian Stewart ✔️
9 min readMay 29, 2019

Encryption is widely recognized as one of the best ways to keep all of your digital information private. The idea of keeping written communications private has been around for nearly as long as writing itself. Modern encryption methods are nearly impossible to crack, even using extremely powerful supercomputers. These services use encryption to protect your files, your internet activity, and your communication. It’s hard to justify not using encryption tools when there are so many options available regardless of your technical abilities or personal needs.

Full Disk Encryption

Full Disk Encryption is when all the contents of a hard drive including the encryption program itself are encrypted. This level of encryption converts all device data in a form that can only be read by a user with the encryption key. This key is what the encryption system uses to reverse the encrypted data into a decrypted format.

1. BitLocker

BitLocker is a full disk encryption feature included with Microsoft Windows. It was originally added to Windows’ operating system in 2004. It has three encryption modes: transparent operation mode, user authentication mode, and USB key mode. This gives users control over how they verify their identity and access their files.

